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Number: 2040
Proto-Semitic: *d_u/iʕ-at-, *wad_ʕ-(at-) {} *ǯu/iʕ-at-, *waǯʕ-(at-)
Meaning: sweat
Akkadian: zuʔtu (zūtu, izūtu) (also 'exudation') MB on [CAD Z 168], [AHw 1539].

    izūtu may reflect an *ʔi- prefixed stem (or the stem *wid_ʕ-ut-?)

Eblaitic: /d_uʕtum/ IR = šu-du-um [DLU 127 apud Krebernik 37]
Ugaritic: dʕt [DLU 127]
Hebrew: zēʕā [KB 276], yäzaʕ [ibid. 405]; also daʕat [ibid. 229], with -d (see below)
Judaic Aramaic: dīʕătā [Ja 303], dyʕh (also 'perspiration') [Sok 148]; cf. ʔadwūtā, ʔădūtā [Ja 15] (with prefixed ʔa- and lost -ʕ). Cf. also zīʕā, zēʕā, zīʕătā [Ja 395] (see below)
Syrian Aramaic: dūʕǝtā (also 'pituita; spuma (maris)') [Brock 161]
Modern Aramaic: ZKH deʔs2a 'sweat, perspiration' [R Zakho 104] IRAN ṭâṭa 'il sudore' (is written dʕtʔ) [Pen 134]
Amharic: wäz (also 'perspiration') [K 1552]
Gafat: wŭzä 'perspiration' [LGaf 246]
Harari: wŭziʔ 'perspiration, sweat' [LHar 163]
East Ethiopic: SEL wǝzāt, WOL wǝzi, ZWY wǝz do. [LGur 674]
Gurage: CHA EZ̆A ENN GYE MUH MSQ GOG SOD wǝzat, END wǝzaʔat, ENN uzat do. [ibid.]
Notes: One wonders whether there is something behind specific reflexes in this root when rendering *d_ in HBR (regular z- and irregular d-) and JUD (regular dand irregular z-). In this connection, note that a current comparison to ARB wd_ʕ 'couler (se dit de l'eau') [BK 2 1514] (see [AHw 1539], [Brock 161]), though unquestionnable phonetically, is semantically difficult, while an alternative ARB example fits both phonetically and semantically: zuɣɣ- 'odeur fétide des aisselle, surtout chez nègres' [BK 1 993] (and zuɣaçnß 'odeur fétide du corps d'un nègre' [ibid.]). If compared to all SEM forms with z (AKK, HBR, JUD and ETH), the resulting proto-form could be reconstructed as *zu/iɣ(ɣ)- {} *ʒu/iɣ(ɣ)- 'sweat'; in this case, the UGR and ARM examples with d would imply a variant SEM root either of the shape *di/uʕ-ator *d_u/iʕ-at- {} *ǯu/iʕ-at-, with equal possibility for the AKK, HBR and ETH examples with z to be related to the latter root and to *zu/iɣ(ɣ){} *ʒu/iɣ(ɣ)- (the HBR forms in d would have, anyway, to be recognized as borrowed from, or influenced by, ARM).

    There is a derived verb: UGR (w)dʕ 'schwitzen' [Aist 80] (cf. HBR ydʕ [KB 392] 'to sweat' still not differentiated from ydʕ 'to know' in the previous edition of the dictionary ; on -d see above); GEZ zoʕa 'to perspire' [LGz 645], AMH wäzza [K 1552], EAST: HAR (a)wɔzaʔa [LHar 163], SEL WOL ZWY awäzä- [LGur 674], GUR: MSQ GOG SOD (a)wäzza-, MUH ọzza-, END awässäʔa-, EŽA awzazza, ozazza, MUH ọzazza, CHA ENN GYE awzasa- [ibid.] 'to perspire, sweat'. Leslau also quotes TNA zaʕ bälä 'to perspire', which according to [Bass 740], means 'inquinarsi, rovinarsi' (cf. also zaʕ 'inquinazione della birra' [ibid.]) and is hardly related.

    [Fron 39] (*d_iʕ-at- /JUD,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [DRS] [DLU 127]: UGR, HBR (d-, z-), ARM (d-), EBL, AKK; [KB 276]: HBR (zēʕā), JUD (z-, d-), SYR, AKK; [KB 404]: HBR (yäzaʕ), ARB (wd_ʕ 'to trickle'), ETH wazā (it is not clear what ETH language is meant; nor the meaning is quoted), AMH wazza; [KB 392]: HBR (y dʕ), ARM, ARB (wd_ʕ 'to flow'), UGR; [Brock 161]: SYR, JUD (z-), HBR (zēʕā, yäzaʕ), AKK, ARB (wd_ʕ 'fluxit'); [LGur 674]: GUR, HBR (z-), AKK, ARM (d-), ETH (verbs, also verbs with the root WḤZ 'to flow'); [Holma 8]: AKK, HBR (z-), SYR

Number: 2041
Number: 2042
Proto-Semitic: *d_a/inab-(at-) {} *ǯa/inab-(at-)
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: tail
Akkadian: zibbatu, zimbatu (also 'rear part of smth') OB on [CAD z 100], [AHw 1523]
Eblaitic: /d_in(a/ʕ)bu(m)/ KUN = šè-na-bù, šè-ne-bux [Kreb 44]
Ugaritic: d_nb(t) [DLU 140]
Hebrew: zānāb [KB 274]
Judaic Aramaic: danb_ā, dunb_ā [Ja 315], dwnbh (det. dwnbth) [Sok 141]
Syrian Aramaic: dunbā (dubbā), dunbǝtā (dubbǝtā), dǝnubtā [Brock 159]
Modern Aramaic: MAL d_enpa 'Schwanz' [Berg 22] MMND denb_a 'bottom, tail' [M MND 494, 522]
Mandaic Aramaic: dinabta, danipta, dinipta [DM 108]; also zanapta, znipta, zinipta, zinibta [ibid. 167]
Arabic: d_anab- [BK 1 784]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): zanab (also 'anus') [LGz 640]
Tigre: zänäb, zännab, pl. zänannǝb, zännäbatǝt (also 'scarf') [LH 500]
Tigrai (Tigriñña): (Ḥamasien) zänäb (also 'hair on the point of the tail') [Gäbrä ʔǝgziʔabḥer 660]; not in [Bass]
Amharic: (?) zänäb [K 1651].

    According to Leslau [LGz 640], from GEZ (no argumentation presented); cf. zäläb do. [K 1608] with -l-, which Leslau also considers a loan from GEZ [LGz 640]

Mehri: d_ǝnūb [JM 81]
Jibbali: d_únúb [JJ 47]
Harsusi: d_enēb [JH 28]
Soqotri: dínob [LS 130]
Notes: Note SAB d_nb 'to rout enemy' [SD 39] (translated as 'clients' in [Biella 97]); derived with a meaning shift?

    Cf. *d_Vb(b)-ān- 'tail, hinder part' (No. ).

    [Fron 47] (*d_anab- /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [DRS 336]: AKK, UGR, HBR, ARM, ARB, MSA, GEZ, TGR, ESA ('to rout') (*d_anab- ); [DLU 140]: UGR, EBL, HBR, ARB, AKK; [KB 274]: HBR, UGR, ARM, ARB, TGR, AKK; [Brock 159]: SYR, HBR, ARB, AKK, GEZ; [LGz 640]: GEZ, ETH, ARB, SOQ, MHR, HBR, ARM, UGR, AKK; [LS 130]: SOQ, MSA, ARB, HBR, SYR, AKK; [Holma 142]: AKK, HRB, SYR, GEZ, ARB

Number: 2043
Proto-Semitic: *d_Vrāʕ- {} *ǯVrāʕ-
Meaning: (fore)arm
Ugaritic: d_rʕ [DLU 141]
Canaanite: AMARNA zu-ru-uh_ (=AKK ḳātu)' [HJ 342]
Hebrew: zǝrōăʕ [KB 280], ʔäzrōăʕ [ibid. 28]
Aramaic: OFF drʕ [HJ 342]
Biblical Aramaic: dǝrāʕ, (du. suff. 3 sing. m.) dǝrāʕṓhī [KB deutsch 1695]; ʔädrāʕ (also 'Gewalt') [ibid. 1662] (with ʔä- prefixed)
Judaic Aramaic: dǝrāʕā (also 'shoulder') [Ja 324]; ʔädrǝʕā [ibid. 19], ʔädraʕ [Sok 37] (with ʔä- prefixed)
Syrian Aramaic: dǝrāʕā 'brachius, armus, cubitum' [Brock 168]
Modern Aramaic: MAL d_rōʕa 'Arm' [Berg 22] TUR drūʕō 'arm' [R Ṭūrōyo 114] NASS drɔ̄nɔ 'arm' [Tser 059] URM drana 'arm, signature' [R Urmi 98] IRAN *drānā 'il braccio; c. suff. dçeßrânū 'il braccio di lui' [Pen 72]
Mandaic Aramaic: dra [DM 114]
Arabic: d_irāʕ- 'l'avantbras (depuis l'os du coude jusqu'aux doigts)' [BK 1 770]
Geʕez (Ethiopian): mazrāʕt (also 'shoulder') [LGz 379]
Tigre: mäzrǝʕt (also 'yard') [LH 496].

    Cf. zäraʕ [ibid.], which may either reflect an original pattern lost elsewhere else in ETH or be an Arabism (with -ä- conveying ARB -i-?)

Tigrai (Tigriñña): mäzraʕt [LGz 379].

    Not in [Bass]; probably a mistake for mäzraʕti

Mehri: d_arʔ [JM 81]
Jibbali: d_ɛ́raʕ [JJ 47]
Harsusi: d_ērā [JH 29]
Soqotri: (du.) diréʕi 'coudée' [LS 136]; cf. also [SSL 2 212-3]
Notes: Reconstruction of *-i- of the first syllable suggested in [Fron 48] is mainly based on ARB (and partly MSA?) and may be questioned; see comments on AKK -u- and TGR -ä-, and MHR d_arʔ.

    Cf. AKK duraʔu 'arm, foreleg' NA [CAD d 190] and durāʔu 'Fuss mit Fussgelenk' [AHw 177], where d- instead of the expected z- suggests a borrowing from ARM; in this case -u of the first syllable would reflect early ARM *-u-, the vocalism possibly confirmed by the AMARNA example.

    Note stems with the ʔa- prefix in HBR and ARM and maprefix in N. ETH.

    [Fron 48]: (*d_irāʕ- /GEZ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR/); [DRS 341]: AKK, UGR, AMARNA, HBR, ARM, MSA, ETH; [DLU 141]: UGR, HBR, AMARNA, ARM, ARB; [KB 280]: HBR, AMARNA, AKK, UGR, ARM, ARB, ETH; [Brock 168]: SYR, ARM, ARB, HBR, GEZ; [LS 136]: SOQ, JIB, ARB, HBR, ARM, GEZ; [LGz 379]: ETH, ARB, ARM, HBR, SOQ, UGR, AKK

Number: 2044
Proto-Semitic: *gabb-(at-)
Meaning: eyebrow, eye-pit, front
Akkadian: (?) gabbu 'Gehirn (v. Tier)?' SB [AHw 272], 'part of the human or animal body... Possibly denotes the brain' [CAD g 5].

    Semantic shift 'forehead' > 'brain' is possible, cf. *dimāɣ- 'top of the head; brains', No. ; note a reverse development in *muh_h_- 'brain, marrow', No.

Hebrew: gabbōt_ ʕēnayim 'eyebrows' [KB 170]; pl. fem., lit. "g. of the eyes"; PB gab 'eye-brow; the elevation around genitals' [Ja 203]
Arabic: ǧubbat- 'оs qui forme l'orbite de l'oeil' [BK 1 246]
Notes: The root is reliably attested only in HBR and ARB, and possibly AKK; cf. obviously related roots: *gab(b)īn- 'eyebrow, front', No. (< *gaby-an-, with the *-an suffix?) and *gabh-(at-) 'forehead, front', No. (with -h serving a triconsonantizer ?).

    Cf. ETH *gan/mbar- 'front': TGR gämbär, gänbär 'front' [LH 569], TNA gämbär 'fronte' [Bass 821], AMH gǝnbar, gǝmbar 'forehead, brow' [K 2003]. Unless borrowed from C. CUSH (cf.: BILIN gám/nbär 'Stirn', AGAWMEDDER gimbarā do. [Rein Bil 154]), this may be interpreted as *ganb-ar-, with *-n- > -m- before -b in some of the forms, to be compared with the present root as a derived stem with suffixed -r, the SEM reconstruction then possibly being *ganb-.

    [DRS 94]: HRB, ARB; [KB 170]: HBR, ARB (united with gab 'back')

Number: 2045
Proto-Semitic: *gab(V)b-, *gVb(b)-an-
Meaning: hump, hunch
Hebrew: (?) gibbēn 'hunchbacked' [KB 174].

    A hapax whose alternative interpretation is 'one having defective eyebrow'; though in most Hebrew dictionaries this word is interpreted as 'hump-backed', the context of Lv 21:20 rather suggests a defect in the eye area

Judaic Aramaic: gibnā 'hump' [Ja 234] and gǝbintā do. [ibid. 207]; gbynh, det. gbynth 'hump, hill' [Sok 119]
Syrian Aramaic: gǝbībā 'gibbosus' [Brock 100]
Arabic: ǧabab- 'plaie faite par le bât à la bosse du chameau' [BK 1 246]; ʔaǧabb- 'qui a la bosse endommagée ou coupé (chameau); qui n'a pas de bosse' [ibid.]
Amharic: gʷäbäbb alä 'to be hunchbacked'.

    Also 'to be curved, bowed, bent' [K 1980]

Gurage: MUH gʷǝbǝn, GOG gʷäbana 'hunchbacked' [LGur 257]
Notes: Note stems with the *-n suffixed in JUD (and HBR?) and GUR.

    The root is likely related to *ganb- 'side; back' (No. ).

    Though traditionally identified with SEM *gbb 'to be bent' ([LGz 177], [DRS 94]), rather influenced by than related to the latter.

    Note a meaning shift in ARB.

    Cf. what looks like variant roots with different third radicals: ARM JUD gbyḥ, gbyʕ 'hunchback' [Sok 119]; ARB ǧablat-, ǧublat- 'bosse du chameau' [BK 1 249]; ETH EAST: SEL gubr 'hunchbacked' [LGur 257]; GUR: CHA EŽA ENN gʷǝbǝr, GYE gubʷǝr, END gubǝr do. [ibid.] (according to Leslau, "while the GUR root is gʷbn a connection with AMH gʷäbbärä 'to be swollen (stomach)' with alternance n:r is not to be excluded" [ibid.]).

    [DRS 96]: HBR (gibbēn, also gabnōn 'sommet, crête de montagne'), JUD (gǝbīntā), SYR (gibnā 'bosse', gǝbīn 'bossu', both not in [Brock]), probably by mistake instead of JUD (above), MND (gabnia 'sommets'), GUR (TGR gobäbb alä 'av. le dos vouté' quoted in [DRS 94] is not found in [Bass] and is probably mistaken for AMH, see above); [LGur 257]: GUR, HBR (gibbēn), JUD (gǝbintā); [KB 170]: HBR (gab), JUD (gabbā), SYR, MND, GEZ (no form quoted); [KB 174], [Brock 100]: SYR, HBR (gab), JUD (gab), MND (gbb 'curvatus fuit', see above)

Number: 2046
Proto-Semitic: *gabh-(at-)
Meaning: forehead, front
Hebrew: PB (?) gōbah translated as 'thick, fleshy part' [Ja 217].

    gbh šbrʔš is quoted among other contexts and translated as 'the highest point of the forehead'; may rather literally mean 'the g. which is on the head' pointing to the actual meaning 'forehead'

Arabic: ǧabh-at- 'front (tant chez l'homme que chez animaux)' [BK 1 250]; ǧabah- 'front large, vaste et beau' [ibid.]
Tigre: gǝbbǝhīt 'forehead' [LH 582]; cf. also gäbbah 'broad-fronted' [ibid.]
Mehri: gǝbhēt 'front' [JM 113]
Jibbali: gǝbhɛ́t 'front, brow' [JJ 69]
Harsusi: yábheh (y- <*g-) 'brow' [JH 38] (same as in ARB OMN [ibid.])
Notes: Very likely related to *gabb-(at-) 'eyebrow, eye-pit, front', No. (with the -h as a triconsonantizer?) and comparable to, or probably contaminated with, *gbḥ 'to be bald' (No. ). However, it is not clear whether the basis for reconstructing a common SEM protoform is sufficient since borrowing of the TGR and MSA forms from ARB is possible, while the HBR PB term is semantically problematic.

    Sometimes compared to HBR gbh 'to be high', gābōah 'high' [KB 170-171], JUD gbh 'to be high, elated' [Ja 204], which is rather a folk etymology (see [DRS 95]).

Number: 2047
Proto-Semitic: *gab(b)īn-
Meaning: eyebrow, front
Hebrew: (?) gibbēn 'one having defective eyebrow'.

    The context of Lv 21:20 rather points to this meaning (cf. [Ja 207]); usually understood as 'hump-backed' [KB 174] (cf. *gab(V)b-, *gVb(b)-Vn-, No. )

Aramaic: OFF gbyn 'forehead' [HJ 209]
Judaic Aramaic: gǝbīnā 'eyebrow, eyelash' [Ja 207]; gbyn 'eyebrow' [Sok 119]
Syrian Aramaic: gǝbīnā 'supercilia; vertex, cacumen', gǝbīnūtā 'supercilia' [Brock 102]
Modern Aramaic: NASS gnīvä 'eyebrow' (metathesis) [Tser 037] ZKH gubʔēna 'forehead' [R Zakho 106] MMND gǝb_īna 'brow' [M MND 495]
Mandaic Aramaic: gbina, gbana 'brow, eyebrow, eyelash' [DM 79]
Arabic: ǧabīn- 'front', ʔal-ǧabīnāni (dual.) 'les deux extrémités du front, les deux parties comprises entre les sourcils et les cheveux' [BK 1 250]
Notes: Problematic. CENTR SEM, if HBR gibbēn is related and ARB ǧabīn- is not an ARM (SYR?) borrowing.

    Related to *gabb-(at-) 'eyebrow, eye-pit, front'.

    Cf. UGR /gabīnu/ 'hillock' [Huehner 115] (alphabetically not attested), probably derived with a tenable meaning shift; see a comprehensive semantic discussion [ibid.].

    Note TGR ǧäbäna 'forehead' [LH 552], where ǧ suggests an Arabism.


Number: 2048
Proto-Semitic: *ga/ibr-
Meaning: genital organ
Hebrew: PB gäbär 'membrum virile' [Ja 208]
Judaic Aramaic: gibbārā 'membrum virile' [Ja 234]
Mandaic Aramaic: gabaruta 'male organ'.

    Also 'strength, manhood, virility' [DM 72] rather referring to *gbr 'to make; force; be strong'

Gurage: SOD gǝbǝr 'genital parts of male or female' [LGur I11064].

    Interpreted as an euphemism and united by Leslau with SOD gǝbǝr and related GUR forms meaning 'implement, utensil, goods, object, laggage' compared to GEZ gǝbǝr 'thing' [LGur 257]. For a possible meaning shift 'genitalia' > 'things' etc., cf. AMH ǝḳ 'things, objects, baggage, household furniture; euphemism for genitalia' in *ḥi/aḳʷ- 'hip, loin, lap' (No. )

Mehri: gēbǝr 'vulva' [JM 113].

    Also quoted is BOṬḤ gǝbr do. [ibid.]

Harsusi: gēber 'vulva' [JH 38]
Notes: Implying a meaning shift from 'genitals' (male and female indiscriminately; cf. SOD) to either 'male organ' (in HBR PB and ARM; specification of meaning presumably under the influence of the homonymous root 'to be strong') or 'female organ' (MSA).

    Rather to be separated from SEM *gbr 'to make; force; be strong' [LGz 178], [KB 175]. There is also *gabr- 'man' (HBR gäbär 'the young, strong man' [KB 175], and common ARM *gabr- 'man', e.g. JUD gabrā [Ja 208]), which may be related to the latter verbal root or to the anatomic term or represent a separate root. GEZ gabr 'slave, servant' connected with gabra 'to work etc.' may be ultimately derived from *gbr 'to make; force; be strong'; cf. also GUR: CHA EŽA et al. gäbär 'stranger', AMH gäbär 'half-caste' [LGur 257]) .

    Cf. HBR PB gǝrabtān 'one having an abnormally long membrum' [Ja 264] and ARM JUD gǝrabtā 'abnormal length of the membrum virile' [ibid.], with metathesis (probably an inter-borrowing)

Number: 2049
Proto-Semitic: *gVd-at-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: (part or bone of the) leg of animal
Akkadian: gudgudātu (pl. of redupl. stem) 'part of the lower leg of a quadruped' MA [CAD g 119].

    Translated as 'Seitenzehe v Tieren?' in [AHw 295]

Geʕez (Ethiopian): ʔagadā 'thighbone, shinbone, tibia, leg, large bone of the leg, shoulder of animal' [LGz 11]
Tigre: gǝdet 'a piece of meat (severed from the bone); shoulder-blade' [LH 602]
Amharic: agäda 'leg (of a man), hind leg (of a cow), bone of the upper arm or the shin bone' [K 1331]; agʷäda 'hoof, foot' [ibid.]. Cf. gǝd 'name of a cut of meat, filet; jawbone' [ibid. 2035] (cf. the same meaning in TGR)
Gafat: agat 'bras' [LGaf 173]
Gurage: ENN END agad, CHA EŽA GYE MUH MAS GOG SOD agat 'arm above the elbow, shoulder, shoulder blade' [LGur 28].

    According to Leslau [ibid. 24], agad represents agat which is a Cushitism [ibid. 28]; at least the first assertion is incorrect (see AMH -d-)

Notes: Otherwise *gʷad-at-.

    Only AKK (redupl.) and ETH supported, however, by AFRASIAN data (above).

    Note that all ETH forms except TGR take ʔa-prefix corresponding to *ʔa- prefix in part of AFRASIAN forms.

    Cf. ETH forms with suffixed -n, likely related with a meaning shift: TNA gʷǝdǝni 'costato, fianco, costola' [Bass 884], AMH gʷädǝn 'side, flank, rib' [K 2046], EAST: ZWY godǝn, GUR: GOG gʷädin, GOG SOD godin 'rib' [LGur 264]

Number: 2050
Proto-Semitic: *gīd-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: sinew, nerve
Akkadian: gīdu 'sinew of an animal' MB, MA on [CAD g 66], [AHw 287]
Ugaritic: gd 'nervio, tendón' [DLU 144]
Hebrew: gīd 'tendon' [KB 189]
Aramaic: OFF (pl.det.) gydyʔ 'tendon' [HJ 221]
Judaic Aramaic: gīdā 'thread, chord, sinew, artery' [Ja 234]; gyd 'tendon, male organ, fiber' [Sok 127]
Syrian Aramaic: gǝyādā 'nervus, fibra radicis' [Brock 114]
Mandaic Aramaic: giada 'nerve, sinew, tendon, muscle, membrum' [DM 88]
Harari: gānǯa 'tendon' [LHar 73]
East Ethiopic: SEL gānǯä, WOL ganǯä, ZWY gādiyō 'tendon of leg' [LGur 269]
Gurage: CHA ENN GYE gaǯa, EZHA gaǯǯa, END gaǯä, MSQ ganǯa do. [ibid.]
Jibbali: z̃éd 'vein, artery, root' [JJ 70]
Soqotri: žid 'nerf, racine' [LS 157], [SSL LS 1456]
Notes: Cf. ARB ǧīd- 'сou long et gracieux' [BK 1 361]; possibly related though semantically difficult. Comparative data outside SEM, however, rather speak for a separate AFRASIAN (ARB-CHAD) root: W. CHAD: DIRI ŋgwadu 'neck' [Skin 32], KAREKARE ngiḍò; E. CHAD: DANGLA gààḍyá 'neck' [Stolb 109] (reconstructed as CHAD *giHad- [ibid.]; cf. also [O-S 209]).

    Note S. ETH *ga(n)d- 'tendon of leg' (above) usually not compared, where -n- can be of a secondary origin or point to PSEM *-n-; very likely related are AMH gaddi, HAR gādi 'rope that is used to tie the legs of a cow' [LGur 269] (see other S. ETH examples [ibid.]). Cf. a variant root *ḳ(ʷ)and-: TNA ḳanǯa, AMH ḳʷanǯa, ARG ḳʷanža 'tendon of leg' [ibid.].

    In MSA, ž is from *g before *-i-.

    [Fron 43]: (*gīd'tèndine' /SOQ,ARB,SYR,HBR,UGR,AKK/); [DRS 115]: AKK, UGR, HBR, ARM, MSA (*gīd- 'nerf, tendon'); [DLU 144]: UGR, HBR, SYR, AKK; [KB 189]: HBR, ARM, UGR, AKK, MSA; [Brock 114]: SYR, HBR, AKK; [LS 157]: SOQ, MSA, HBR, SYR, AKK; [Holma 6]: AKK, SYR, HBR

Number: 2051
Proto-Semitic: *gVd(V)l-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: limb
Hebrew: PB (?) gūdāl 'thumb, great toe' [Ja 218], ʔăgūdāl do. [ibid. 11] (with the ʔa- prefix)
Arabic: ǧadl-, ǧidl- 'membre quelconque du corps; verge, penis; tendon (des mains ou des jambes); os entier, non facturé' [BK 1 266]
Mehri: gēdǝl (gǝdǝ́wwǝl, ḥǝgdōl) 'foot' [JM 114]
Jibbali: gɛ́dǝl (gdɔ̄l) 'foot' [JJ 71]
Harsusi: gédel 'foot' [JH 38]
Notes: Scarce though reliable attestation.

    Cf. *ga/ud- '(part or bone of) the leg of animal' (No. ); one wonders if the present root may be related with suffixed -l.

    The HBR PB examples (above) may alternatively be derived from gādal 'to be high, large' [ibid. 212] and then unrelated to this root, or semantically influenced by the latter. Cf. AA *gad- 'foot'

Number: 2052
Proto-Semitic: *gadp-
Meaning: wing
Judaic Aramaic: gadp̄ā 'wing' [Ja 214]; gdp 'wing, border' [Sok 121]
Mandaic Aramaic: gadpa 'wing' [DM 74]
Arabic: miǧdāf- 'aile (d'un oiseau)' [BK 1 265].

    The word is formed after the pattern of "nomen instrumenti" of the verb ǧdf 'voler d'une vole rapide, etc.' [ibid.] (cf. a doublet ǧd_f do. [ibid. 269]); cf. a similar form derived from *ktp in ETH (see *katap-, No. )

Notes: Very scarce attestation: only ARM, on which phonetic reconstruction of the protoform is based (see also SYR gǝdap 'volavit' [Brock 105], compared with ARB ǧd_f), and ARB.

    Cf. *katap- '(back of) shoulder', No. .

    [DRS 102]: ARM, ARB (incl. forms < *gapp- see No. )

Number: 2053
Proto-Semitic: *gall-
Meaning: excrement
Hebrew: gālāl 'dung' [KB 194]; also *gēl 'human dung' [ibid. 190]
Judaic Aramaic: gǝlālā 'ordure, excrement' [Ja 250].

    Also gallā do. united by Jastrow with gallā 'heap' and 'wave'

Mandaic Aramaic: gal, gala 'rubbish-heap, ordure, dung' [DM 76]; also glalaia 'faeces' and glala 'dung' [ibid. 93]
Arabic: ǧallat-, ǧillat-, ǧullat- 'boule de fiente, fiente des bestiaux' [BK 1 308]
Tigre: gällo 'dung' [LH 560].

    Borrowing from ARB is not excluded

Notes: Possibly related to, or contaminated with, SEM *gll 'to roll' (see on this [DRS 127]).

    [DRS 126]: HBR, ARM, ARB, TGR; [KB 194]: HBR (gālāl), ARB (ǧillat-, ǧullat-, also ǧalal-), JUD; [KB 190]: HBR (gēl), ARB (ǧillat-), ARM

Number: 2054
Number: 2055
Proto-Semitic: *gu/alb-
Meaning: (piece of) skin
Judaic Aramaic: galbīn (pl.) 'scales' [Ja 243]
Arabic: ǧulbat- 'peau mince qui couvre la plaie en voie de guérison' [BK 1 310], ǧulb- 'dépouille, peau ôtée' [ibid.]
Notes: Scarce attestation in ARM and ARB. Probably has a non-anatomic cognate in ETH (connection proposed e.g. in [DRS 117]): GEZ gǝlbāb 'covering, cover, veil, wrapper, sacerdotal vestment' [LGz 189] (Leslau mentions Nöldeke's opinion that ARB ǧilbāb- 'robe de dessus très-ample' [BK 1 311] is borrowed from GEZ [ibid.]), TGR gǝlbabo 'wrapper, veil' [LH 562], AMH gʷǝllǝb 'hide with which one covers a drum or anything else' [LGur 271], EAST: HAR goläba 'to cover the basket with leather or the like' [LHar 71], SEL gälba, WOL gälbä 'tanned hide to lie down on' [LGur 271].

    Likely to be supported by AFRASIAN data; cf. a variant root *gilp-, No. .

    [DRS 116]: ARM, ARB (+ verbs meaning 'to cut, to shave')

Number: 2056
Proto-Semitic: *gi/ald-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: skin, hide
Akkadian: gil(a)du 'hide' NB [CAD g 71], LB [AHw 288].

    According to Soden, from ARM

Hebrew: *gäläd, *geläd 'skin' [KB 191].

    Hapax attested as gildī 'my skin' in Job 16:15 (usually considered an ARM borrowing, cf. [Wagner 54])

Aramaic: OFF (emph.) gldʔ, PLM (pl. emph.) gldyʔ 'hide, skin' [HJ 233]
Judaic Aramaic: gildā 'plate, covering, skin, leather' [Ja 245]
Syrian Aramaic: geldā 'cutis, pellis' [Brock 117]
Modern Aramaic: MAL ɣelta 'Haut' [Berg 30] NASS ɣildä 'skin, hide' [Tser 042] MMND gelda 'testicle' [M MND 522] AZR gilda 'leather' [Garb 307] IRAN gçyßldâ 'la pelle' [Pen 77]
Mandaic Aramaic: gilda 'testicle, leather' [DM 90].

    For the former meaning cf. ARB

Arabic: ǧild-, ǧalad-, ǧilid- 'peau, cuir' [BK 1 313].

    Cf. ǧald- 'verge, pénis' [BK 1 314]; for a similar meaning shift see MND

Geʕez (Ethiopian): gald 'skin, hide' [LGz 189]
Tigre: gǝldät 'hairless skin of animals' [LH 564] (<*gi/uld-at)
Mehri: gɛ̄d, pl. gǝlɛ̄d 'skin, hide' [JM 119]
Jibbali: gɔ́d, pl. gíźɛ́d 'skin' [JJ 75]
Harsusi: gōd, pl. gelēd 'skin, leather' [JH 39]
Soqotri: gad, pl. ʔegélid 'peau, cuir' [LS 101]; QALAN gɛ̄ldǝh do. [SSL LS 1457].

    Note ʕAbd-el-Kuri gī́ldɔh 'peau (de l'homme)' [SSL 4 95] which looks like an Arabism

Notes: Cf. derived meanings in ETH: GEZ gallada 'to cover with hide, gird oneself' [LGz 198], TGR gäläd 'alliance, treaty' [LH 564] (< 'girdle', see GUR below, < 'skin'?), AMH gäld 'kilt-like garment of leather' [K 1895] /according to Kane, an Arabism; cf. also gǝldǝm 'a wrap-round skirt (a garment made from a width of cloth)' [K 1895], originally of skin?/, GUR: MSQ GOG SOD gällädä 'to gird the trousers' [LG 272]. There is also TGR ǯǝld, ǯǝlud 'skin' [LH 547] which, though looking very much like Arabisms, cannot avoid comparison to such ETH words (with *-l > -n if related), hardly of ARB origin, as TGR ǯǝndi 'hide, skin' [ibid. 554], TNA ǯanda 'pelle di vacca ecc. conciata molto finamente' [Bass 806] (erroneously quoted as ganda in [DRS 118]?), AMH ǯändi 'tanned oxhide softened and dyed red which is used as a sleeping mat' [K 1869].

    One wonders whether there is any connection between this root, *gu/alb- '(piece of) skin' (No. ) and *gilp- 'skin; peel; scales, etc.' (No. ) in view of no tenable explanation for the third radicals, since neither -d nor -b (except for what appears to be a marker in certain animal names) nor -p are known to be formants or markers of any kind or convey any meaning. Cf., in this connection, AFRASIAN *gal(l)- '(tanned) animal skin': BERB *a-g(u)lim (<*-gVly-Vm, with -m suffixed?): AHAGGAR a-ḡlim 'peau tannée avec ses poils' [Fouc III 1076], QABYLE a-gʷlim 'peau (humaine ou d'animal)' [Dallet 257], etc.; N. CUSH: BEJA galō 'skin of animal' [Hudson 44]; E. CUSH: KONSO koll-atta 'tanned and possibly softened skin or hide' [Sasse Bur 83] (KONSO k- may reflect *g-; not quite convincingly compared [ibid.] with other E. CUSH terms meaning 'wall of partition', 'straw mat used as curtain', etc); OMOT: SHE gel, KACHAMA gǝlla, BASKETO gallä, DOKA gälle 'skin' [Bla Om 26]; E. CHAD: KERA gòlgò 'skin' [Bla Om 26, apud Ebert] (redupl. < *gVlgVl-?).

    [Fron 41] (*gild- 'pelle' /SOQ,ARB,SYR,HBR,AKK 'tremare'/); [DRS 118] *gild- 'peau, cuir': AKK, HBR, ARM (also MND gilda 'testicule'), ARB (also ǯald- 'verge, pénis'), MSA, ETH (also verbal forms meaning 'to wrap', etc.); [KB 191]: HBR, ARM, ARB, TGR, AKK; [Brock 117]: SYR, HBR, ARB, AKK; [LGz 189]: GEZ, ETH (examples with -l- only), MSA, HBR, ARM, AKK; [LS 101]: SOQ, MSA, ARB, HBR, ARM, AKK, GEZ (verb); [Holma 3]: AKK, HBR, ARM, ARB

Number: 2057
Number: 2058
Proto-Semitic: *gVl(a)p-
Meaning: skin; peel; scales; test
Syrian Aramaic: gǝlāp(ǝ)tā 'testa cancri' [Brock 119]
Arabic: ǧilf- 'peau d'une bête ôtée et vidée' [BK 1 317]; ǧulfat- 'morceau de peau enlevée' [ibid.]
Amharic: gäläfät 'husk, peel, fish scales' [K 1903]; gälläfä 'to peel' [ibid.]
Notes: Scarce but reliable attestation; variant root of *ḳilp- (No. ); cf. also *gu/alb- '(piece of) skin' (No. ).

    [DRS 132]: SYR, ARB,(ǧilf-), AMH; strangely united with examples semantically uncomparable, like ARB ǧalifa 'être rustre', MGHR ǧlǝf 'faire sortir (une bête du troupeau)' or TGR ǧälfä 'tailler à la hache; couler goutte à goutte'

Number: 2059
Proto-Semitic: *ga/umm-at-
Afroasiatic etymology: Afroasiatic etymology
Meaning: (long) hair, mane
Arabic: ǯummat- 'toupet' [BK 1 322].

    Another meaning of the same word 'chevelure abondante et qui retombe sur les épaules' may be influenced by the semantics of the apparently homonymous verbal root ǧamma 'être riche, abondant' [ibid. 321]

Tigre: gǝmmät 'long hair (that has not been cut for a long time)' [LH 568].

    As for gamme 'kind of hairdress (crown of hair around the head)' compared by [DRS 141] (cf. the same semantic component in TNA and AMH), it may be contaminated with, or related to, gamma 'crown, diadem' [LH 566]

Tigrai (Tigriñña): gammä 'specie di corona di capelli che si lasciano intonsi o si intrecciano intorno al capo di ragazzi e ragazze' [Bass 819]
Amharic: gamma 'mane (of an equine); ribbon tied around the head' [K 1906]
Harari: gammä [LHar 72]
East Ethiopic: ZWY gamma, SEL gäme, WOL gämi 'mane' [LGur 275]
Gurage: EZ̆A gama, GYE gam_a, CHA MUH gamma, ENN gāmma, END gāmmä, MSQ GOG gammä, SOD gʷamme do. [LGur 275]; also END gämmām 'horses and mules' [ibid.].

    According to Leslau, from CUSH: SID gamma, OROMO gāma, SOM SAHO AFAR gama [ibid.]

Notes: Scarce attestation (ARB and MOD ETH only) apparently supported by the AFRASIAN data (below); however, a possibility of an ARB loan in ETH (with a further semantic development thereof to 'mane' and 'horse'), and an ETH loan in CUSH and OMOT, though less likely, is not to be excluded. [DRS 141]: ARB, ETH
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